
Authentication overview

Adhering to standards and enforcing security are key business considerations for you and for Beeline. Beeline APIs authentication requirements meet Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards. The IETF is a world-recognized open standards organization.

OAuth (open-standard authorization) 2.0 protocol with client credentials using Auth0 is required for most APIs. The OAuth 2.0 framework is an industry-standard for authorizing designated secure access to APIs. Auth0 provides a robust authentication framework.


Before you leverage the power of Beeline APIs, you need to complete these steps:

  1. Contact your Customer Operations Manager (COM) to create a change request ticket to scope your needs and determine which API solution is best for you.
  2. Once your change request has been scoped and project assigned, our Integrations team will create security credentials for you to use to call the APIs.

Making a call to a Beeline API

After you're registered with and have been authenticated and authorized by Beeline, follow these steps to start calling Beeline APIs in your test environment.

Gather your API credentials

The Beeline Integrations team will securely transmit your API credentials to you. This will include a Client ID, a Client Secret, and your Client Site ID. Please have these readily available for the steps that follow.

Caution: Be careful where you store your Client ID and Client Secret because they are private. Do not store these credentials in places where they can be accessed by non-privileged users.
Request an access token

Send a POST request with the following payload body to the authorization server, where audience = the base URL for the API you are using. Please see below for examples.

Authorization server URL:

Rate Limiting on token requests

There is rate limiting on token requests. Access tokens expire 24 hours after they are issued. Please securely cache your tokens and reuse them until they expire. When you need a new token, please use the POST request to get a new one.

Caution: Making too many requests will result in a 400 error with message "Too many requests". Once this occurs you will need to wait one minute and then you will be able to call for a new token.
Example payload for the Bulk Data Client Onboarding API:
Example payload for the Bulk Data Worker API:
Example payload for the Bulk Data Reporting API:
Example payload for the Client APIs:
The authorization server will respond with a JSON object containing these properties.
    "access_token": "your_token_would_be_here",
    "expires_in": 86400,
    "token_type": "Bearer"

You are ready to call Beeline APIs.

Call a Beeline API using your access token

Add an authorization header to your requests with the value Bearer {access_token}, where access_token=the token you just obtained:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

For further information on calling specific Beeline APIs, please go to the API Products page, find the API you are interested in, and click on “View Documentation.”

Caution: Your API requests are rate limited for Bulk Data APIs. You may make 750 PUT/POST requests per minute and 100 GET requests per minute. Your API requests are also rate limited for Client APIs. You may make 1000 requests per minute per endpoint.

Need help?

Do you need help with or have questions about Beeline's APIs? Do you have general questions, comments, suggestions, or specific requirements? Beeline is here to assist you!

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