
Learn more

Beeline’s Developers Portal is your resource hub for Beeline APIs. Beeline APIs automate and streamline data exchange, help you efficiently integrate Beeline data into your enterprise systems, and empower you to build comprehensive contingent workforce coverage.

What can I learn as a program team member or as an Managed Service Provider?

Learn about Beeline APIs, get access to the newest APIs, learn about Beeline authentication, and view API documentation.

What can I learn as a Developer?

Learn about Beeline APIs, get access to the newest APIs, learn about Beeline authentication, view API documentation, access Beeline APIs in your test environment, and get support.

Understanding how Beeline builds

Implementing an API to mine and synchronize your enterprise systems data should be easy. Beeline thinks so, too.

Beeline APIs are designed with you and that in mind...Beeline APIs are easy to implement so you can efficiently gather Beeline data and integrate that data with your enterprise systems.

Designed with excellence and security

Adhering to standards and enforcing security are key business processes for you and for Beeline. Beeline APIs are based on the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), which is a machine and human readable language-agnostic standard for describing REST APIs. Using OAS as a foundation makes implementing Beeline APIs relatively easy because the specification can be understood by humans and computers.

OAuth (open-standard authorization) 2.0 protocol with client credentials is required for most APIs. The OAuth 2.0 framework is an industry-standard for authorizing designated secure access to APIs.

About the API data integration points

Beeline APIs complement, extend, and amplify your technology to deliver greater results. Plus, Beeline has a dedicated support team available to help you automate and streamline data exchange and efficiently integrate Beeline data into your enterprise systems.

Understanding how Beeline fits into your enterprise ecosystem is the first step in figuring out how to design and automate your integrations. Beeline’s extended workforce platform classifies data into these operational categories: foundational, supportive and transaction. Each category manipulates specific data sets using given processes and synchronizes data in your targeted enterprise systems.

About foundational data

At the core of your business are details about your organization, your infrastructure and your contingent workforce program, such as the geographies and work locations in which you do business, your users, your cost centers, and much more.

You’re probably currently storing that foundation data in an HCM, HRIS and/or ERP system and use that data to create approval chains for purchasing. Although you maintain your Client data in your enterprise system, synching that data with your Beeline Extended Workforce Platform using the Client Onboarding API provides these benefits:

  • New requests and assignment changes conform to proper approval routing
  • Accurate cost allocation codes are used for billing and invoicing
  • Reports generated from your Beeline platform reflect your current organizational hierarchy, such as geographies and work locations

About supportive data

Increase efficiency and accuracy when you onboard new contingent workers. Your Beeline extended workforce platform stores records of your procured workers. Easily and automatically synchronize worker, or supportive, data using the Worker API.

The Worker API automatically synchronizes data with your enterprise systems and initiates worker onboarding and equipment/access provisioning. You also receive alerts when a worker completes his or her assignment so you can start your offboarding and deprovisioning processes at the right time.

About transaction data

Your Beeline platform helps eliminate rogue buying of labor and maverick spend. You can gain hard dollar savings by consolidating supplier and benchmarking rates to gain negotiated savings or volume/early pay discounts, and soft dollar savings through process improvements like consolidated invoicing, reduced timecard and invoice errors, and compliance tracking.

With Reporting as a Service (RaaS), you can output Report Builder data to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) API format. Beeline’s JSON REST API endpoint provides convenient and seamless integration with API endpoints in your systems to ensure a continuous updated data feed. Preview API payload and easily export, analyze, and manipulate your data.